Eating fresh does not have to be hard!
Do you ever stare at your CSA share or recent grocery trip results and wonder how you will get through it all? Here are some handy tips to manage:
- Shred, dice, or peel everything when you get it, so it's ready to go for a quick meal.
- Buy a spiralizer. I know this sounds like a gimmick, but really, you can go through a lot of summer squash this way.
- Which leads me to: replace pasta with veggies. Lettuce, spinach, kale, summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower and other veggies work great as a base for sauces, a protein, and CHEEEEEEEZE. You will be getting closer to your daily requirement of veggies, and really, we could all do with fewer carbs and more fiber.
- Eat salads based on the last point for lunch. You won't have as much of that after-lunch snooze urge and you will eat a lot of vitamins and minerals throughout the week.
- Almost everything can go in stir-fry. Including all the greens.
- Eat all of your veggies. Carrot tops, beet greens, broccoli and chard stems.... it's all good for you.